2019, 14min, HD, Stereo, Color.
Some place money in tax havens, while others can be held back with religion, shopping, fear and different kinds of amusement. Duty Free is a satire to the world economy and the state of the present.
The film is a hybrid between documentary and fiction; it consists of pictures recorded for a couple of years, in Sweden, Spain, Brazil, Norway and Germany. The fictional elements are all put in the sound, adding a new layer to the picture. The sound is the place “where everything happens”, it is full of events, contrasting to the long shots and few cuts from the pictures. The idea is to give time to the spectator to think and relate what she or he is seeing to its own experience.
The documentary images are recorded similar to the street photography tradition, where people and phenomena are captured by the camera in public spaces. Timing and framing are crucial, but the ”crucial moment” of the still image tradition in this case is held by a camera that detects and reveals something through motion or with sequences that slowly approaches to the main subject. Voice actors are used to reenact events inspired by actual conversations, articles or statements shared on the Internet and social media.
Sven Drobnitza, Jennifer Hayashida, Trevor Slydel, Denise Langridge Mellion, Jyoti Mistry, Daniel Jewesbury, Mathieu Thibaut, Johan Lundborg, Klara Lindberg and Rodolpho T. de Oliveira, Kurt Lightner
Screenwriter and Director: Cecilia Torquato de Oliveira
DOP and Sound: Cecilia Torquato de Oliveira
Sound editing and Mix: Gustaf Berger/Auditory
Color Grading: Tommy Spaanheden
Dialogues in German, Swedish, English and Portuguese. English subtitles.
Gothenburg International Film Festival Sweden 2019
Tempo Documentary Film Festival Sweden 2019 (short competition)
Uppsala International Short Film Festival Sweden 2019 (in competition)
Artic Light Filmfestival Sweden